
How to make Maqloubeh?

Maqloubeh generation:
 This delicious dish for five will have you transformed into an effective person in Society. With a spoonful of rice and creativity, YOU can live in a better   WORLD.

All you need is: (All these Items can be bought on the Maqloubeh generation blog )
1 ½ kilos of Creativity
500gr of Courage
4 cups of Honesty
1 tablespoon of Patriotism
½ cup of Compassion
1 ½ cup of the Will to Change
¼ cup of Philosophy
½ teaspoon (Tsp) of Objection
½ tsp of Criticism
½ tsp of Talent
2 ½ cups of Independence


1. Peel and slice Creativity into long 1cm thick strips.
2. Heat Independence in a frying pan on medium fire.
3. Add the strips of Creativity into frying pan, and fry till color comes out brown, remove and filter on kitchen paper.
4. Wash courage with cold water and place in a pot on fire, add Honesty, and boil.
5. Add to the gravy of Courage Patriotism, Objection and criticism. Leave for 40 minutes on low fire.
6. Wash The Will to Change with cold water.
7. Filter the Gravy of Courage, and separate Courage, leave aside.
8. Add two tablespoons of Uncooked Will to Change at the bottom of a large Saucepan, add courage on top, and then add the strips of creativity.
9. Add remaining Uncooked Will to Change over strips of Creativity, pour Gravy of Courage slowly as to not disturb the above order.
10. Put sauce pan on low fire and keep for 40 minutes. (Until the will to change is cooked and not crunchy).
11. Turn over the saucepan on a large round tray (larger than saucepan) be careful not to disturb the order.
12. In a pan add philosophy and heat on low fire, and then fry Compassion until color comes out light brown.
13. Sprinkle Compassion on the strips of Creativity and serve hot.

Best served with a cup of wisdom and  perseverance..
Hope you have a delicious dish.

Written by: Rasha Sansur

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